Chris Abraham

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Funny infographic: what if you had your laptop back in time

Humans and laptops: What could you do with a single laptop in the past I often forget how much in the future I live because this future is my present. But, what would happen if we could bring a brand new laptop into a time machine and go back into history. Well, this infographic from Dell is both funny and sobering, especially when it comes to the 9,000 human code breakers it took at Bletchly Park during World War II to break the Enigma cypher that "could have been broken with a laptop and a simple Java Script." We are in the future, jetpacks be damned

Humans and laptops: What could you do with a single laptop in the past?

Back in November, we posted an infographic entitled “Humans vs Laptops – How smart is you computer?” that compared the different skills of humans against computers… the good news is, humans won out. For now! Continuing in this vein we thought it might be interesting to think about what we could have done with laptops through the ages of time. Would the Mesopotamian scribes have been able to write down more great speeches with a laptop than with a wax tablet? What could the Roman empire have done with computers? And just think about what Leonardo Da Vinci could have accomplished if he’d replaced his paper notebook with the latest laptop deals! Take a look below at our ideas. What great moments in history do you think could have benefited from access to computers?


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