Marketing Conversation
According the the Wall Street Journal this AM, NBC Hopes Live Spot Puts Life Into Ads, “To fight the challenge posed by TiVo, NBC is borrowing a tactic from television’s early days — live commercials.” Back in April 15, 2005, I wrote an article, Product Placement on the Down Low, about how product placement and advertising needs to stop being so sneaky, so on the down low. Read more…
I have never heard Fair Game with Faith Salie before. Until now. It feels directly influenced by the informal, playful, irreverent style of podcasting, yet another example of how new media, the culture of the blog and the podcast is influencing mainstream media. Read more…
As word of mouth marketing has proven to travel further, faster and more effectively than traditional marketing, the development of a comprehensive online advocacy program is vital to promoting any idea, product or person.
In a follow-up to Vanity Advertising on PayPerPost is Addicting, I have given vanity advertising on PayPerPost another go! Yes, I am buying my friends. The only thing, as an advertiser on PayPerPost, I have fun, like always. So, when I asked 30 of my fellow Posties to blog about Marketing Conversation, I gave them a mighty long leash.
Abraham Harrison LLC is an Internet-focused and Internet-based company that works to take fullest advantage of the medium we work in to maximize the freedom, independence, and quality of life of our company’s clients, associates and partners. Read more…
Online analyst n. Hired by companies like Coca-Cola and AT&T to monitor what’s being said about them on social networks and blogs, online analysts use the Internet as a vast unpaid focus group. Via New Media Strategies Career Page and New Media Sense by way of Wired’s Jargon Watch Read more…
A web-based news aggregation strategy is simple if the solution is Drupal, the solution I chose for both my personal and corporate websites. There may be other super-easy solutions you may want to chose, but the solutions here are simple in Drupal. There are two of them: News Aggregator and Leech, one built-in module and the other a simple download; one offers a simple news aggregation solution, the other able to completely clone the content of one or more remote sites. Seriously. Read more…
I am very good at gaming Google and influence organic change on search engines. This is called Search Engine Optimization. None of my friends know what that means. Hopefully, this Wiki-love from Wikipedia will help you, my friends. Read more…
Search Engine Reputation Management (or SERM) tactics are often employed by companies to proactively shield their brands from damaging content brought to light through search engine queries. Read more…
New Media Marketing is a relatively new concept utilized by businesses in developing an online community, which allows customer evangelists to congregate and extol the virtues of a particular brand. In most cases, the online community includes mechanisms such as blogs, podcasts, message boards, and product reviews, all of which contribute to a transparent forum to post praises, criticisms, questions, and suggestions. Read more…
Word-of-Mouth Marketing, or WOMM, also known as buzz marketing, is a term used in the marketing and advertising industry to describe activities that companies undertake to generate personal recommendations as well as referrals for brand names, products and services. Read more…
Viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness, through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of pathological and computer viruses. It can often be word-of-mouth delivered and enhanced online; it can harness the network effect of the Internet and can be very useful in reaching a large number of people rapidly. Read more…
In politics and advertising, the term astroturfing describes formal public relations (PR) campaigns which seek to create the impression of being a spontaneous, grassroots behavior. Hence the reference to the “AstroTurf” (artificial grass) is a metaphor to indicate “fake grassroots” support. Read more…
I played around with a $100 credit that PayPerPost granted me to try out the service as an advertiser. “Cool,” I thought, “this is going to be fun.” I wrote my PayPerPost ad campaign blurb, “write About Chris Abraham’s Blog: Blog your very own opinion about my personal blog.” Amazingly egocentric, me. Read more…
I am joining the MyDD and Dailykos campaign to Googlebomb Senator John McCain. Join me, won’t you? McCain, John McCain, Senator John McCain, McCain 2008, oh my! I hate hypocrites.

I spent nearly three-years living the life if an “NMSer.” It is where I got trained up in the art of new media strategy and new media marketing. I had an amazing experience working there and I am also happy to share the latest post-Meredith purchase in the form of a very nice article, Tracking Who’s Saying What About Whom: New Media Strategies’ ‘Online Analysts’ Scour the Web for Mentions of Opinion-Sensitive Clients, by Kim Hart, on the Washington Post. Simply put, co-founders Pete Snyder and Aaron Earls are truly visionaries, deserving of their notable success. Read more…
Do you think that people who play Second Life, World of Warcraft, Xbox Live, MMOGs, and MMORPGs are freaks? Do you consider message boards, forums, virtual realities, and virtual communities to be a waste of time, populated by losers? Read more…
Just to be clear, when you blog it is not the same as taking the piss out of your boss and the job down at the pub. Blogging is public and universally-accessible so you will be discovered and probably fired if you bite the hand that feeds you. Read more…
While history requires statefulness, the very nature of the Internet is statelessness. State requires libraries, checks and balances, error-correction, and memory. While there are indeed ways to “look back” into the history of the Internet, the emergent, collaborative nature of the Internet makes the corruption and influence of online content impossible to prevent and improbably to police. The entire concept of “History” being “written by the victors.” On the Internet, the victors are those who are able to best control and maintain the message. Read more…
“Five billion dollars, 7 billion, 10 billion. I don’t know what they’re really worth — and you don’t either,” said Terry Semel to his staff at Yahoo! about buying Google, “There’s no fucking way we’re going to do this!” Famous last words. Via Wired.
“Fisking, or to Fisk, refers to the act of critiquing, often in minute detail, an article, essay, argument, etc. with the intent of challenging its conclusion or theses by highlighting logical fallacies and incorrect facts. The practice was named after British journalist Robert Fisk after he issued a dispatch from Pakistan describing his savage beating at the hands of Afghan refugees.” Via Wikipedia Read more…
When Viacom floats its day-old content on YouTube, Viacom doesn’t have to host the video, Viacom isn’t responsible for bandwidth, Viacom doesn’t need to support customers, and Viacom has access to one of the most powerful content-distribution channels ever invented for video moving pictures. Read more…
In response to my article, Interference CEO Sam Travis Ewen is Mishandling an Opportunity, Mr. Bob Jacobson comments, “What’s so hip about violating the public space, Chris, what little is still unlittered with commercial advertising, just to sell a late night TV show that’s dying on the vine? (It’s a pretty stupid piece of work.)” … Read more…
Labels: Citizen Marketing, Cluetrain Manifesto, Competitive Intelligence, Consulting Services, Consumer Generated Media
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