Chris Abraham

Friday, September 15, 2006

+1 Gig to Your 6GB EggDisk Account When You Spread the Word

If you share EggDisk with the world we will give you 7 gigs of EggDisk love!

If you write a review about EggDisk on your blog, MySpace, Facebook, Friendster, Blogger,, or message board; or if you put EggDisk into your permanent Blogroll (link list), then we will add a +1 Gigabyte of of free file storage to your already generous free 6GB account.

Yes, 7 gigs of free space for our very special friends. Why? Because we love you!

Just send me an email to with a link to your review and your account name and you will get an extra gigabyte of storage for a grand total of 7GB of file hosting!

Can I get an Amen? Can I get a Hallelujah?

There are now 2,868 registered EggDisk users. Here's the deal to take us to the next level. Right now, when you register, you get a lifetime free 6 gigabytes of free file storage and free file hosting. As in, six gigs of free file backup.

PS: EggDisk does not delete files after 30 days -- they're there for you for life. Many of our competitors delete all of your files after 30-days.


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