Utterz by Chris Abraham
I am going to talk about my spirituality, which is something I rarely do. I do so because these are Holy days and I am feeling prayerful. Apropos, I will be discussing prayer.
I am going to talk about my spirituality, which is something I rarely do. I do so because these are Holy days and I am feeling prayerful. Apropos, I will be discussing prayer.
RT @FreshAirFund Help teach a child to swim! Just $24 pays for a week's worth of lessons with The Fresh Air Fund: http://bit.ly/jvVX
RT @FreshAirFund Are you or your organization interested in partnering up with The Fresh Air Fund? Email us: pr@freshair.org
RT @FreshAirFund Help cover the cost of a bus ride to Fresh Air camp this holiday! Just $10! You can easily donate here: http://bit.ly/jvVX
RT @FreshAirFund You can donate to The Fresh Air Fund using our monthly giving program. Easy, automated, life-changing: http://bit.ly/R6nE
I am beguiled by the NPR show "Piano Jazz" with Marian McPartland. I am listening to it now. Sam Reider is on. http://ping.fm/2yVdK
RT @FreshAirFund Is your organization interested in partnering up w? The Fresh Air Fund? We'd love to hear from you at: pr@freshair.org
RT @FreshAirFund Know an innercity child who needs the gift of summer? See how to sign up a child w/ The Fresh Air Fund: http://bit.ly/y4DW
RT @FreshAirFund The Fresh Air Fund has helped 1.7 million children. Help these innercity kids have a summer to remember:http://bit.ly/UpEg
Harry Shearer just mentioned me by name on Le Show. Under the apologies part of the show, "I'm Sorry" - for the PepsiMax suicide ads #pepsi
The same friend, @semjaza , who made me "manga" wrote this awesome Christmas poem: http://ping.fm/dxlLx
I have another article on AdAge GIN about Bratislava, Slovakia. Please digg and comment if you like it! :) http://ping.fm/L8Tam
Come check out my latest post for AdAge Global Idea Network @adagegin , "Bratislava, a City to Watch" http://ping.fm/5s4sO
I would like to introduce @robochris -- all of the "great" and "cool" stuff I read, digg, share, blog, & bookmark http://ping.fm/E4V9Z
RT @SurvivorCorps Attn all DC'ers! Come to Madam's Organ tonight to celebrate the treaty to ban cluster munitions!: http://bit.ly/kqhp
RT @FreshAirFund Are you a parent w/ questions about The Fresh Air Fund and what we do? Download our Parent FAQ sheet: http://bit.ly/Wbpm
RT @SurvivorCorps Our party celebrating the signing of a treaty to ban cluster munitions is tomm! Join us if you're in DC http://bit.ly/kqhp
RT @FreshAirFund Looking to volunteer and support innercity kids? Check out volunteer opportunities w The Fresh Air Fund: http://bit.ly/qZuZ