@rogermike @mhking @golfgirl @lisajohnson @HappyHourBoston @pamteagarden @thebrandbuilder Thanks for voting! http://ahpoll.com/palin
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
POLL: If John McCain died or became incapacitated, would Sarah Palin be competent to be President? http://ping.fm/ChjvC #debate08
@acitrano forwarded me a most excellent post: "Scoble Blames You for the Breadline": http://ping.fm/S6nsA
Ever since the crises began, my Conspiracy Aggregator, Memes.org, is super fun to watch and read! http://www.memes.org (Yes, I run it!)
"Mayor Funderburk 'just curious' when he forwarded an e-mail suggesting Obama is the biblical antichrist." Oh, egad! http://ping.fm/WLx3e
My friends in Europe remind me that the World thinks we'll recover. Also, look how healthy the dollar is now.
Retweet: @laurencook If you're an AmEx member, PLEASE click here to help feed malnourished kids! Seriously, every vote counts. http://ping.fm/vYKqi
Monday, September 29, 2008
@paulswansen We're 143 votes ahead from the org that is nipping at our heels! Man, this is too close: http://ping.fm/85ebh
International Medical Corps will lose if you don't help! Please vote right now! http://ping.fm/85ebh - Feed malnourished children!
Have you been seeing the Amex MembersProject.com commercials? Well, help mesupport #5 IMC: http://ping.fm/Icjv2
I bet you didn't know I have been slowly, laboriously, writing a novel of intrigue called Hill Mole: http://ping.fm/PuOxl
Retweet: @dkrueger: if you are an amex card carrier, please vote for this project to feed hungry children - http://ping.fm/Icjv2
This is the best picture ever that encapsulates the financial crisis and meltdown: http://ping.fm/TfZRR
Sunday, September 28, 2008
@monksmedia What does "country first" mean? Jingoism? Also, why trustworthy? What makes McCain trustworthy? http://ping.fm/6ECoD
Words I can use to describe McCain: snide, rude, defensive, insecure, aggressive, spikey, repetitive, resentful, vindictive, and a dinosaur
I dislike John McCain even more than I dislike George W Bush, which is saying a hell of a lot! #debate08
I am currently getting 383 page views/hr just based on my search results for Tina Fey: http://ping.fm/kRSU5
Thank You International Medical Corps Bloggers Part II
First off, if you haven't voted yet, please vote. Secondly, as recently as Wednesday, September 24th, 2008, I posted a thank you for blogging about International Medical Corps as a thank you for all of the bloggers who were so generous as to blog about the current voting contest going on -- 73 earned media posts -- called the Members Project. International Medical Corps is being represented by the Member Project called Saving the Lives of Malnourished Children. Well, three days later, we have been lavished with another 30 earned media mentions, listed below:
- Thank You for Blogging About International Medical Corps! via Chris Abraham Because the Medium is the Message.
- Dora the sheep droppings explorer via The French Mountain Dweller.
- Int'l NGO Needs Our Help To Win $1.5 M For Starving Children via Daily Kos.
- Thank You Bloggers for Blogging about International Medical Corps via Memes.org.
- Thank You International Medical Corps Bloggers via Abraham Harrison.
- Vote for the International Medical Corps! via Ben Heine.
- Feeding Hungry Children via Kuru Lounge.
- Your click could mean $1.5 million for malnourished children around the world via Pirate Pappa.
- One Click to Save Lives via So a Blonde Walks Into a Review.
- Members Projects via OBVI.
- With One Click You Can Save Thousands Of Malnourished Children via Blogher.
- Help International Medical Corps Feed Hungry Children via Chrisfernando.net.
- Thursday September 25 2008 via Island In the Pacific.
- Your click could mean $1.5 million for malnourished children around the world. via Fresh Motivation.
- Click for $1.5 million - A win-win-win situation via Stet.
- Vote to make a difference via Onlinefundraisingblog.
- Something About Saving Lives? via NDAGHA.
- Click to Donate via More Than An Army Wife.
- Saving the Lives of Malnourished Children via The Existential Lip.
- International Medical Corps via Backyard Missionary.
- International Medical Corps Matched with Top 25 American Express Members Project, 'Saving the Lives of Malnourished Children' via Bio-Medicine.
- Time is Running Out!!! via Pre School Mama.
- The International Medical Corps Please Consider This Good Cause via Working With Word.
- Saving the Lives of Malnourished Children via javajive.
- Things I should have avoided whilst pregnant via Whitterer on Autism.
- American Express Members Project: Join me in voting for the project Saving the Lives of Malnourished Children via Make College Pay Off.
- Interested in Saving a Child From Malnutrition? via Reservoir.
- Go Vote for the International Medical Corps via Christian Spirituality w/ Edges.
- Vote for the International Medical Corps! via Understanding The Psychology and Effects of Abandonment Issues.
Anyway, bloggers and everyone else who has supported, thank you very much from both the IMC and AHLLC!
If you want more information, please check out the informational page we made for the project -- the SMNR -- and you can learn a lot more and see all the various and sundry assets the organization has provided for this noble campaign.
Finally, please let me know if I missed your post in the Chris Abraham comment area — and if you want to post about the contest and the issue, please feel free and pop the URL into the Chris Abraham comment section and I will add you and thanks in advance!
Labels: american express, food crisis, food relief, humanitarian efforts, International Medical Corps, Malnourished Children, Members Project
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I highly recommend renting Soylent Green, "a 1973 dystopian science fiction movie depicting a future in which overpopulation leads to depleted resources on earth."
I am looking for an embeddable widget with "sharing" hooks (social bookmarking, etc) for a poll I am producing. Any leads appreciated
To be honest, my entire analysis of the entire presidential debate tonight is solely based on "poor form" and "rudeness" #debate08
This quote will remind you that there is no way Barack Obama can win the election, sadly: http://ping.fm/RFy14
Friday, September 26, 2008
If I had advice for McCain, I would recommend a valium and 100% more eye contact -- and share Obama's hand, for God's sake, man!
If I had any advice, I would tell Barack Obama to never agree with John McCain -- ever! Kerry did and it was a mess. #debate08
I am super impressed by John McCain's single-mindedness on the talking points: he sticks to them like White on McCain. Then, repeat, repeat, repeat. That strategy actually always works, alas.
John McCain is whistling and not looking at Obama because he's fighting his hot temper! "Serenity *whistle* Now!"
Why won't John McCain look at Barack Obama at all? Why does he refuse to speak to or speak towards the man?
@pfmonaco Yes, I am afraid that all the SNSs will be saturated -- SATURATED -- with debate play-by-plays and -- groan -- analysis!
Please help me vote towards
saving the lives of malnourished children and supporting International Medical Corps http://ping.fm/Icjv2
I am a 38 year-old guy from Washington, DC (US) who joined Digg on November 17th, *2005* http://ping.fm/f5sGm
There are three days and 23 hours left to vote for Saving the Lives of Malnourished Children! http://ping.fm/Icjv2
Thanks to all of you who have voted for Saving the Lives of Malnourished Children! http://ping.fm/Icjv2
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Dinner with David
Mobile post sent by chrisabraham using Utterli.
Your Vote Could Mean $1.5 Million to Feed Malnourished Children
Social Media News Release | |||||||||||||||
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Your click could mean $1.5 million for malnourished children around the world. | |||||||||||||||
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![]() International Medical Corps Matched With Top 25 American Express Members Project, “Saving the Lives of Malnourished Children” | |||||||||||||||
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About International Medical Corps
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Help International Medical Corps
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Tags: |
Labels: american express, amex, emergency health services, health clinic, humanitarian crisis, humanitarian relief, International Medical Corps, Malnourished Children, Members Project
@kwbridge Thank you so much for going out of your way on my behalf to help me find new templates for http://ping.fm/Al0Xb and http://chrisabraham.com -- much obliged!
Happy to have a testimonial from Jerry White of Survivor Corps nee Landmind Survivor Network http://ping.fm/P7YbS
Yes, I know, I know -- that the voting is restricted to Amex card holders is lame -- but if you have one, please vote: http://ping.fm/Icjv2
AMEX friends part II: The Direct link to the International Medical Corps VOTING page is here -- please vote today! http://ping.fm/Icjv2
To all my Twitter friends with AMEX cards: please vote today for IMC to win $1.5M to feed malnourished children: http://ping.fm/x0CSE
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ate with Meredith at Les Halles. Had les Moules. Lovely night outside. Drank Stella. Caught up. Lovely time.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Is there a search engine/service that returns blogs that contain the keyword instead of just the post?
I have a pair of ER6 headphones and one "broke" and I contacted their tech. I just needed to replace the filters! I love them http://ping.fm/cBJRU
"Sarah Palin has a habit of betraying former patrons ... when they get in trouble ... once they're no longer useful" http://ping.fm/tOtjo
monadnock noun: An isolated hill or mountain that, having resisted erosion, rises above a plain AWAD http://ping.fm/BFtWn
Monday, September 22, 2008
A Virtual Team — also known as a Geographically Dispersed Team (GDT) — is a group of individuals who work across time, space, and organizational boundaries with links strengthened by webs of communication technology.
Twitter friends, please help me name some types of businesses that lend themselves to becoming virtual teams and virtual companies. Thanks in advance! :)
@AnnOhio OK, now you're just being cruel about hugging @jeffpulver many many times. I bet you make him cookies too, eh? You *heart* TX?
POLL: Do you think *Sarah Palin is qualified to serve as Vice President of the United States*? http://ping.fm/t6sge
To American Express card holders, please vote for International Medical Corps to feed malnourished children: http://ping.fm/Icjv2
If you don't know @jeffpulver very well, then you should get to know him. His story is amazing. And his career began at the age of 12 as a ham radio operator -- ask him!
I am going to sneak away between meetings and go for a run. I am booked tonight and don't want to miss out on sport.
If you want to learn about the International Medical Corps Members Project, check out http://ping.fm/x0CSE
International Medical Corps is up to win $1.5M from Amex to feed malnourished children. Please vote now: http://ping.fm/85ebh
I am working on a project for International Medical Corps to win $1.5M from Amex to feed malnourished children. Please help me by voting now: http://ping.fm/85ebh
The inner Feminist in my appreciates the Airborne commercial with its reverse-sexism in Sebastian! Besides, good sense of humor -- funny http://ping.fm/YX4n2
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I am headed out to take a run out and about the trails of Virginia -- wish me and my knees a lot of luck my dear friends & followers!
I am headed out to take a run out and about the trails of Virginia -- wish me and my knees a lot of luck my dear Twitter friends!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I started taking my mom to Kathe Ana, my fave Chinese medicine doctor. She's having acupuncture right now.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Utterz is now Utterli? How confusing!
Mobile post sent by chrisabraham using Utterli.
AWAD: Cool Word: keelhaul (KEEL-hawl) verb tr.: 1. To haul under the keel of a ship. 2. To rebuke sharply http://ping.fm/AzS01
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Does anyone know cool social media and WOM/buzz shops in London that my CEO can meet while he's in London at the end of Sept?
My firm and I are gifting our cute little XO, One Laptop per Child (OLPC), to Survivor Corps to do service in Africa -- what it was made for! We're so proud of our little XO!
Man, New York City has so many speed cameras and speed traps as well -- who knew? http://ping.fm/037VG
I am talking to Joe Scott who has this awesome free online resource called Phantom Alert: maps US speed traps, traffic cameras, and DUI check point! http://ping.fm/1Cvvp
Would you please digg something for me for a Very Good Cause: Saving the Lives of Malnourished Children: http://ping.fm/mnvXv
@whatsnext Oh, and also International Medical Corps, which is a really wonderful organization! Lots to celebrate, BL! http://ping.fm/x0CSE
NPR Fresh Air interviews reporter David Kirkpatrick profiling John McCain. http://ping.fm/Obxkr Super awesome insight into the heart of our next President.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hey gang, would you please follow @survivorcorps ? I would appreciate the follow since Survivor Corps is doing such good work: http://ping.fm/xVZgp
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Just finished the majority of Dead Like Me season one. That was one hell of a worthwhile series. Fantastic.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I am getting almost 650 hits/hr today -- crazy and 100% based on a Tina Fey photo: http://www.sitemeter.com/?a=stats&s=sm6chrisabraham&r=3
"What McCain's promoters have carefully edited out of their McCain-for-president equation is his post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD):" http://ping.fm/KxyzG
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I am tired of people pronouncing "to" as "tuh" -- "to" is pronounced "two!" Even Obama says "tuh" instead of "to," pronounced "two." Egad!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Does anyone know if copper kills flowers? Putting cut flowers in a copper flower pot? Some cut sunflowers wilted, and revived in a glass vase. Coincidence?
@kmullins For those of you who are wondering what a Bear Hug Camp is, http://bearhugcamp.com/ #bearhugcamp
Friday, September 12, 2008
I am at a restaurant called Argonaut at 15th, Maryland, & H Street, NE, with Andrew Curry and Oliver Uberti.
Original poem by Ian Linley: "amorphous blantant currency defies external foliage. gravity hovers irredemably, jousting knowledge."
Crap! I accidentally sent a stupid invite SPAM to everyone for stupid XANGA! Dammit! Sorry in advance!
The evolution of the cafe at 660 Penn, SE: Roasters on the Hill, Stompin' Grounds, Murky Coffee, and now Peregine Coffee: http://ping.fm/63lTF
Bloody great: Glasgow kiss: A headbutt: a strike with the head to someone's sensitive area (such as the nose) (AWAD)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
@tishgrier I wrote an article called "We Men Didn’t Get the Memo" that addresses my concern: http://ping.fm/rLzz4
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My Posse in Berlin
Mobile post sent by chrisabraham using Utterz.
Monday, September 08, 2008
"A time to build up,a time to break down / A time to dance, a time to mourn / A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together"
Thank You For Supporting Survivor Corps
Thanks to all of the folks who have written about the use of cluster bombs and cluster munitions on behalf of Survivor Corps.
Please join others from around the world by signing the People’s Treaty to say that YOU want to ban cluster bombs forever. Your Senators must tell the military to stop using cluster bombs, and your Senators like hearing from people like you! Tell your Senators to ban cluster bombs.
Labels: band cluster bombs, cluster bombs, georgia, landmine survivor network, russia, Survivor Corps
Quote of the day, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Attributed to Lincoln http://ping.fm/7B6L5
"Sarah Palin’s glasses are custom made, but based on the Kawasaki 704 series, and the color is 34 gray. The Sarah Palin frame — minus the lenses — starts at a suggested $375. Depending on the type of lenses you have installed, the total package can run to $700." http://ping.fm/JHE6d
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Did I make a preduent choice my ordering the Zoom H2? It seems like just the perfect level of professional for someone who is neither a musician nor a broadcaster.... I just want to be a simple voice podcaster.
I just ordered a Zoom H2 with an 8GB SD card. Was this a good purchase? The price point was very low and it seems like a fave amongst podcasters at @podcampphilly
Suki Teaches Intel
Mobile post sent by chrisabraham using Utterz.
Meeting Dan Krueger
Mobile post sent by chrisabraham using Utterz.